Wednesday, July 29, 2009

How to get-rich-quick posting on video sites

How to Get-Rich-Quick Posting on Video Sites
You have probably seen a video online at Youtube or Break websites in the past or maybe even today. Video sites are the wave of the future, as well as the present. As you might imagine, many internet marketers who are learning these sites to get-rich-quick with what’s hot right now, are now reaping the profits. The gold rush is far from over though, with video websites becoming some of the most visited sites on the internet. If you learn how to post on these video sites, you too can get-rich-quick promoting your products in video.
If you ask a beginning internet marketer if he have videos posted online, they will most likely tell you that they do not. There are two main reasons that get cited as the reason that some internet marketers, who have failed to get-rich-quick on these sites, do not have videos posted online. The two reasons are that they do not know how to make a video or that they do not know if someone will want to watch their video. These explanations are ones that I receive on a daily basis from internet marketers who don’t know about the potential for them to get-rich-quick using these sites.
Let me start by explaining the first reason that I receive all the time about posting videos on to video sites. The first reason that is constantly cited is that it is difficult to make a video or they are unsure if they can make one. Let me start by saying that if someone says that, then obviously they did not even give it a try. If you don’t try to get-rich-quick with what is hot at the time, you will never attain that goal and part of how you can get-rich-quick is taking what is popular and using it to make you more popular. Most laptops and some computers come with cameras right on them. Otherwise you can just use a digital camera or even your phone! If you have Windows XP or vista, you already have the most simple and easy software to use when cutting, designing and customizing your raw video. That program is Windows Movie Maker. You just drag and drop movies or clips, add titles and credits with one mouse click and make your own cuts as simple as going to that part and pressing a button. If you are online and are reading this article, you already have the skills needed to make and customize a video.
The other reason that I always get on why they do not have videos on video movie sites is because they are not sure if anyone will want to watch their movies. Let me tell you that no matter how bad or boring you think the video is, people watch it and that is how you get-rich-quick. In fact I am not sure why but for some reason if you post a video on one of these big video sites, people who do not know you, will find your video and watch it. In fact they might even make a comment or rate it by stars, one star the lowest, five stars the best. You should always enable the rating functions for your visitors because not only does it make it more visitor friendly, but if you make a homemade video, most people will give you 4 or 5 stars, so do not worry about that. Also if enough people like your video, they may recommend it to others and those people will recommend it to other people and your video receives hundreds or thousands of views in a short time. That is what we call in internet marketing a viral video, but that is for a whole different article.
Remember that you may be only one video away from your goal to get-rich-quick. All you have to remember is the tips that I have mentioned in my article and you will be on your way to making a hit video that will be watched thousands of times and that in of itself will help you get-rich-quick.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

A Great Get Rich Quick Article

What Mindset Can You Use To Get Rich Quick
If you want to get rich quick and not wait until your stock explodes, you must possess a certain mindset. It is true that some people who do get rich quick do not have this mindset. Lottery winners and trust fund babies usually do not have the proper mindset to get rich quick yet they have gotten rich quick. If you do not play the lotto or have parents who are rich, you cannot get rich quick without the proper mindset. Mindset plays the key in all self made millionaires and they all have the same skills and think the same way. You need to get that get rich quick motivation in order to gain a substantial breadth of wealth in a short period of time.
The first thing that you need to add to your mindset if you want to get rich quick is the sense of urgency. Procrastination is the complete killer of ideas and time. The reason why people procrastinate is because sometimes a task that isn’t so daunting looks very complex and hard to do. It is very easy to put things off until the next day, and to the next day and to the next day again, if you have no deadline. This is one of the worst things that you can do if you want to get rich quick though. Remember that the hardest part is starting a project; because once you start you realize that it is not as hard as you though. A few examples from internet marketing that marketers procrastinate on are article writing, starting blogs and posting in forums. The one thing that helps me not procrastinate and to make my own deadline to do things. For example, I will write on my calendar that I need 2000 dollars in let’s say 5 days. I believe to myself that I don’t get the 2000 dollars in the 5 days that I will be taken away and never seen again. So I need to do everything I can to get rich quick in order to meet my deadline. Before you know it I am doing the things that I need to do in order to make my own quota. You need to set a deadline so that way you will stop procrastinate and get set on your goal to get rich quick.
Another thing that you should remember is that these days anyone with an idea and works hard at it can make your get rich quick goal a reality. Many of the top websites now were started up just by regular people without a lot of money. All they had was a single idea, a hard working mentality and goals of getting rich quick. Anybody can start a website selling a product or a blog you can write your passions about. Spreading the word about your website or blog can equal high traffic to your site. Lots of traffic will get you rich quickly and you will be able to actually see the money coming in on a daily basis.
The best thing about having a get rich quick mindset is that you can apply it to almost anything in your life and you can see a huge difference in the efficiency and confidence you will extend to these activities. You must remember two things if you want to achieve the get rich quick mindset: you must give yourself a sense of urgency and you must believe in your mind that you can get rich quick with the proper determination and lots of hard work.